Texas -- Should Secede from the Union

Recently, on a social network page, a conservative associate of mine and I had a discussion that transformed into the right of states' to secede from the union. At the tail end of the discussion, my snarkiness took hold of me after they pointed out my misspelling of succeed for secede. So I begin the debate here, admitting that I did not catch the misspelling and point out that Governor Rick Perry has been more than willing to take monies from the federal government (and in some cases he has not), but the overall job creation has been primarily state Texas jobs.

. . . . . My bad I did not catch the SECEDE spelling. Yes, he (Rick Perry) was more than willing to not take federal monies but he also had no problem in taking Federal Stimulus dollars to balance Texas's budget. Yet, most of job creation under Perry has been his own creation of STATE jobs (governmental state jobs).

Governor Rick Perry, of Texas, suggested that states have the right to secede if the connection federal government becomes to divergent from the state's interest. In my opinion, if Texas wants to secede, so be it and good riddance. Let Texas create its own financing, raise its own money for roads, schools, police, firefighters, defense, and international agreements, create and print its own money, passport, have the Texas Rangers deport all the illegal (undocumented) aliens.

Heck, let Texas deal with terrorists and possible threats outside their borders. Let FBI (internal and national threats) and CIA (international threats), ATF, DEA disband out of TX. Let TX deal with it on it own. Let Texas create their own agents and spies. Don't be asking for help from the US -- no no buddy.

It's all on Texas. Let ya'll fight the shysters and corruption of JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, and Goldman Sachs, and all the subsidize industries, such as agriculture and oil. Let TX subsidize their own industries. Let Texas deal with all the self-interested corporations, regulations, and pollution controls. May be Texas could get their own cars too. None of that wimpy electric-hybrid crap. Noooo buddy, ya'll can have big, over sized, long horn gas hogs that get 2 miles per gallon. Yayyy buddy that's yer ticket.

Heck, let Texas go, good riddance -- support yourselves --- without the federal monies. Let the Texans control the southern borders and declare war against Mexico. Let Texas's negotiate, build the fences, and regulate the human traffic and set policies for access to ya'lls world.

Heck, maybe Texas will be able to raise the people for an army or state guard necessary to fight the invasion of illegals (undocumented workers), speak only Texan. You guys should have the citizenry necessary to impede the flow coming into Texans, heck may be Louisiana will help you. Maybe Arizona will hep you. Maybe Oklahoma will hep you. Heck, ya'll should put a massive fence ALL around Texas. It should be 40 feet high, with gun turrets, landmines, and controlled entry points with Texas passports and IDS.

Texas would have to negotiate for access to Panama Canal, negotiate for the access to the Pacific, Atlantic oceans, because the Gulf of Mexico is not just big enough for port traffic. Texas would have to have their own brand of southern strategy since Mexico, Central America, and South America would be the only viable option for trading of goods. (Just thought of this Texas would need its own navy). Does Texas have the materials (minerals - such as steel ore etc) to build ships? And, what makes you think that the US would not impose port embargo against Texas?

As for the sports teams, it would be a thankful good riddance from the US sports. No more Houston Texans -- yahoo! No more Dallas Cowboys -- quadruple yahoo! No more Dallas Mavericks -- ya fraking hoo! No Texas A & M, TCU -- yahoo! good riddance -- We in the US could not possibly allow for inclusion of these sport teams in America after the TX seceded. Or any TX sports team, they would need passports, background checks for possible anti-American activity. The state schools would be expunge from the BIG 12 and all NCAA organizations.

Yay buddy, I can see it now .... Good luck with that Texas should secede from the union thingy ... Have a good day sir and, by the way don't y'all be coming to Colorado looking for job either. No Texans need apply here.

End of snarky comments....


Anonymous said…
Sounds good.

I'll be enjoying .75 cents a gallon gas while you're paying 7 or 8 dollars a gallon.

Unknown said…
You, sir, are a fucking moron.
Unknown said…
I could see Texas leaving the Union, however but comma, I could also see a handful of other states leave with them in the process. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what really happens.
Unknown said…
Lol he don't know shit about Texas does he? Us Texans have already fought off Mexico once and won. The US map would not look like it does today if the Texans didn't beat off Mexico. At one point Texas went from the Rio into what's now Wyoming. We had to give up all the land when we joined the union. The gulf is plenty big for shipping goods. And hybrids ass. Y'all better go to all electric. Have you ever seen refinery row in Houston? Yeah that's where most of the nation's fuel comes from. Guess what's coming with us when we leave? We have the Texas national guard and the Texas air national guard. And then there's the US armed forces and guess where most of them guys and gals call home?

So there hoss ya may wanna think a lil harder bout which side of that forty foot fence you wanna be on. It won't be there to protect Texas from the union. But to protect the union from Texas.

Texan born, Texan bred, and when I die I'll be TEXAN dead.
Anonymous said…
I agree with you PB. The 2012 election showed that 25 of the 50 states are red states, fed up with the socialistic and amoral policies the US government has been putting into place. Liberal people/states say that if the red states break away, we'll be doomed, because liberal states are smarter,richer,harder working, righteous, and have more common sense. Having lived in Massachusetts most of my life, I can confidently say that is not true in the least. In many of these places, quite the opposite is true. Along with the conservative states having most of the croplands and firepower, I believe that many of the US allies will support the breakaway states, including Israel and Ireland. If liberal states think that the US military wont split in half as well, they are sorely mistaken.I served in the Navy, I know how fed up much of the military is with recent events, including severe budget cuts and destruction of military votes. This country is turning into a modern day Sodom, Gomorrah. As Obama makes thing worse and worse, I feel that the Country will split in half,especially once Obama seeks to repeal the 22nd amendment and try for a third term. There have been many attempts to repeal this amendment since 1985, so don't say it wont happen.
Gregory Stewart said…
Anonymous, it didn't happen. The country didn't split in half. Just more red. Not because of President, but the neglect by all politicians. Now, we live in a nation of Trump loyalists and sycophants.

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