Okay Then, Now What?
Apparently, this new (relatively) type of alternative energy is so obtrusive that it visually disturbs childhood memories, kills birds, and interferes with FAA radar. Oh, the energy alternative is clean and reusable—and virtually limitless. The harvest of the energy, nevertheless, is troublesome to the tree huggers and the nostalgic old timers at the same time.
For the environmentalist this energy alternative harmed the little animals, while for the old timers it disturbed their view of beautiful vistas. So, what is this alternative energy resource that even had Don Quixote “tilting” at them—the windmill. However, these aren’t your great great great great great great great (is that enough?) granddaddy windmills. These can power whole cities with electricty and is one of the cleanest resources of energy around.
So, when I ask this question, if this type of energy alternative is unacceptable--Okay then, now what do we do? I am seriously confused in what type of renewable energy would be acceptable to any of these groups--hmph! Any opinions?
If we are worried about windmills, then we should stop driving cars, which kill millions of birds each year. We should also take down tall buildings, which kill millions of birds each year. Oh, yes, then I guess we should quit hunting them.
We should be careful where they windmills are placed, but we should place them. They are far more scenic and friendly to local wildlife than a oil rig.
I have always thought we could put windmills along the Interstate highways system. Easy access, does not disturb anyone's scenic view, the land is already cleared and the traffic itself moves air.
We can develop alternative fuels. We just have to stop thinking about what is good for corps and start thinking about what is good for citizens.