Okay, I know have not attended to my blog in quite some time. This is unfortunate. I enjoy writing, but of late, between school and work. I have not been able to attend to this blog, as much as I want. I get lost in doing the mundane things of life, and usually too tired to rehash, or create for that matter, a nuanced thought, except for school.
Speaking of which, school has become brain damaging, in the sense that, every week I have to write a paper for my classes. just about one a week, along with reading several chapters of material. At any rate, I do this wile working full time. Happy happy joy joy. With that said, however, I have been trudging along, only to realize I have only one semester left to complete my bachelors. So now, I have to decide, what do I finish in one or two, and where do I want to do my masters work, or the work for my doctorate.
Well, that is it for now. I will catch up with y’all later….