Social Workers of America—Unite!

In a column by George Will titled, “Indoctrination in the Ivory Tower,” (see link here) lays out a case of how liberty of the individual social worker student is being restricted. He uses the example of three students; Emily Brooker, who attended Missouri State University; William Felkner, who attended Rhode Island Colleges of Social Work; and, Sandra Fuiten, who attended the University of Illinois at Springfield. Each of these students had stories of their mistreatment by the schools culture of political correctness.

Political correctness which embodies intolerance for the others that do not believe way they are “supposed to.” There is no room for a differing opinion—and “encoded” with the values of hyperbole and victimization. This is George Will’s inference. But, I could not help to think in the telling of these student stories, he was using the same tactic that university’s had been accused of implicitly. George Will frames his story with the US Supreme Court 1943 decision regarding the Jehovah’s Witnesses right to refuse to “pledge allegiance” in schools. What he failed to mention was during the 1950’s several states had “loyalty oaths” for teachers and university professors during the Senator McCarthy red menace communist scare.

Admittedly, George Will’s stories are tainted in banality. Nevertheless, George Will point is well taken. Those who advocate the person’s right to choice allows no choice at all. True liberty comes if all are able to choose freely and equitably. This is our American mythos; this is our beacon of light to illuminate humanity to a more perfect state of civility. After all, it is another a day in paradise and every waking moment is a blessed one…


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