My Response to John Mariotti of Forbes:Where are your solutions?
On August 28, 2011 -- John Mariotti, of Forbes, wrote in his column titles, Obama's Legacy: A Failed Recovery & Double-Dip Recession, in his conclusion that
.... It's not a journalist's job to pose solutions, just to deliver the facts. I respectfully disagree with many of your suggestions, and they don't belong in a critique of Obama's term...
... Whatever happens, this failed recovery and impending recession belong to President Barack Obama. His condescending explanations of why “we Americans” don’t get it, how “this will take a long time,” this recovery, and his “class warfare” about “millionaires and billionaires” versus the “common folk” are all wearing thin...
And, with this I begin my response to Mr. Mariotti -- as I pointed out to a friend of mine that these criticism have been pointed out by numerous commentators and critics for months and have been stated before and provided no constructive solutions of how to resolve to the problem of the economy--and then I provided my ideas to the debate. Their response,
.... It's not a journalist's job to pose solutions, just to deliver the facts. I respectfully disagree with many of your suggestions, and they don't belong in a critique of Obama's term...
Really? When this, journalist, John Marriott poses as an expert in the "Strategies & Solutions" section of the Forbes online, one better bring more than just punditry and criticism that has been used repeatedly by the talking head critics of the far-right and Fox News propaganda machine. Especially, if this journalist and according to Forbes online, "is an internationally known executive and an award-winning author" that does "keynote speeches, serves on corporate boards and is a consultant/advisor to companies." Therefore, this journalist, of sorts, is furthering the angst, fear, and doubt of recovery that Americans have been feeling since the fall of 2008 markets. In the words of Buddha,
....There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills....
In other words (as I wax in poetics), with doubts comes fear, making one small and inhabit the places of darkness within our spirits. Fear and doubts are the mind killers*, which destroys rationality and openness. Only through hope and certainty can expansion of the universe be born in the worlds of possibilities and exist beyond the realms of conflagration and polarization.
....There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills....
In other words (as I wax in poetics), with doubts comes fear, making one small and inhabit the places of darkness within our spirits. Fear and doubts are the mind killers*, which destroys rationality and openness. Only through hope and certainty can expansion of the universe be born in the worlds of possibilities and exist beyond the realms of conflagration and polarization.
The rehashing of President Obama's faults and placing blame for his inabilty to get economy going by Mariotti's habitation of fear with his prognostication of a double-dip recession separates and destroys relationships with the 'other' political party. Any potential cooperation that might make a difference in changing the economy's outcome by having the 'adult conservation' with those that might want create jobs is subverted. Mariotti's criticism may be valid in general terms, but it continues the space of negativity and denies the opportunity of rational discussion. Playing on the fears of the American public leaves not only angst but destroys civility and the ability to create compromise during times of crisis. As Mariotti says,
... This kind of rhetoric won't solve America's problem ...
The bitter truth is that the president of the United States has limited ability to affect the economy, but the president's leadership and certainty are the guideposts in which country's economy can falter or thrive.
With that stated, John Mariotti's lack of vision and inability to provide constructive criticism and provide possible "solutions" or "strategies" is disingenuous. My friend's assertion that Mariotti's column was merely statement of facts and critiques of President Obama's term, again may be valid, but not in the "strategies & solutions" of the Forbes online section--he is an advisor -- Yes? Advise. Provide alternatives and possibilities. And, this is where I, Mariotti, and Facebook counterpart disagree. To put out possible solutions and strategies provides opportunities to bring not only resolution but a possible starting point to compromise so that United States can move forward and prosper along with its citizens. For instance, as Mariotti relayed the job facts about unemployment, he could have also provided possible solutions and strategy to help create jobs, such as the continuation of the payroll deduction rate, but also reduce the employer side of the contribution. Move Federal dollars to infrastructure projects. There are numerous bridges, highways, and new roads that need to be updated and built. Additionally, the United States' electrical grid needs to be reworked and updated along with delivery of fuel distribution system of pipelines.
In the late 1980s Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neil were able to come together and rework social security and it is time again to do so. The "entitlement programs" are guarantees that make this country great. Pragmatic decisions need to be made. The Paul Ryan's Budget Plan is too extreme and recreates the tragedies of the early and mid 20th century for our seniors and the poor. And, although the sentiment of the far left is understandable of not wanting to change any plans to medicare and social security it is not realistic. Specifically, their should be some means testing for the plans and up of the age requirements from 67 to 70 for social security and 65 to 67 for medicare. Additionally, the money that has been borrowed from social security needs to be paid back.
In terms of taxes, the tax code needs to be reformed. End corporate loopholes, such as subsidies to corporate farm, oil companies, corn, and reinstate the top tax code of 39 percent. In exchange, the top corporate rate should be lowered to 25 percent and corporate entities that do light manufacturing, such as electronics, shampoos, lotions, etc. corporate should be lower to 22 percent. In the short term, the payroll reduction tax holiday should be continued and should be extended to the employer not just the employees. The ending of corporate loopholes by 2012 and returning of 39 percent should be slated for the end of 2011, while the reduction corporate tax code could be back dated for 2011 and payroll deduction holiday to 2015.
In terms of regulation, they should be streamlined and duplicative policies removed. The EPA is a protective agency and is needed. The new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
that protects the general public needs to get up to speed and running as soon as possible.
The Pentagon has suggested many programs to be cut and the reduction of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are part of the necessary austerity measures. However, the reduction of troops can also be expedited in non-hostile areas such as Germany--and reduction of our role in NATO should be considered. Most of the military technical and troop support comes from the United States and it is time that the nations of Europe and beyond contribute heavier in their spending in support of NATO.
These are few of my suggestions and are a starting point for discussions, what are yours?