The Post-Modern Christmas World
In recent days I have seen several post on Facebook on the Christ in Christ-mas, the topic being that, Merry Christmas moniker should be the sole greeting and departure term during the holiday season. Happy Holidays not being true to Christ and the Christmas spirit. Somehow, these posts seem to believe that because one does not say "Merry Christmas" that it is an affront to Christ and Christianity. The celebration of Christ's birth is somehow diminished.
Some of these post go even further, in that, they challenge the readers to get behind saying Merry Christmas or delete them from their Facebook if they are offended. The ridiculousness of these posts in their variations is that they fail to recognize this country's great compact "Freedom of Speech." This freedom is grounded in the foundation of our country's, the United States, greatest founding document -- the U. S. Constitution.
It is the Constitution that makes this country 'the beacon on the hill' for the rest of the planet.Its ability to codify the rule of law and allow for the relative ease to transfer power from interest group to interest group despite religious, ethnic, and demographic differences. The U. S. Constitution is also the document that takes the most abuse from misinterpretation and created fallacies from various interest groups.
It is the veneration of the United States Constitution that has allowed interest groups and ideologues alike the ability to spin their ideals varying forms of truth. The freedom of speech which endures within the country sets us apart from any other country and yet this freedom also allows for the citizenry to be offended despite the cries for censorship.
Some of these post go even further, in that, they challenge the readers to get behind saying Merry Christmas or delete them from their Facebook if they are offended. The ridiculousness of these posts in their variations is that they fail to recognize this country's great compact "Freedom of Speech." This freedom is grounded in the foundation of our country's, the United States, greatest founding document -- the U. S. Constitution.
It is the Constitution that makes this country 'the beacon on the hill' for the rest of the planet.Its ability to codify the rule of law and allow for the relative ease to transfer power from interest group to interest group despite religious, ethnic, and demographic differences. The U. S. Constitution is also the document that takes the most abuse from misinterpretation and created fallacies from various interest groups.
It is the veneration of the United States Constitution that has allowed interest groups and ideologues alike the ability to spin their ideals varying forms of truth. The freedom of speech which endures within the country sets us apart from any other country and yet this freedom also allows for the citizenry to be offended despite the cries for censorship.
Tied in also with this relationship of freedom of speech is the rule of law that freedom of religion be separate from the state. This capability to separate the institutions of religion and government has allowed for the stability of our country and its endurance. For an individual or group able to speak freely without the pressure of the majority or the state has allowed for different beliefs (be them religious or rational outliers) to be co-opted, adopted, or rejected without full oppression and acrimony of standing institutions. Moreover, in these founding principalities is the dexterity of truth so out of the many we are one nation (E Pluribus Unum).
One nation with many differences is allowed to not only make itself disparate in its beliefs in Christ but is allowed to disbelief in his existence. And, if a person chooses not to say Merry Christmas that is okay too. And, if you are one of those (and you know who you are) by someone simply saying Happy Holidays -- my suggestion to you is to get over yourself -- because it may not be about you, Christ, or anything else determined offensive -- it simply may be a way of celebrating all the 'high holidays' that come at the end of the year between Thanksgiving, Hannukah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa. Each of these holidays comes with the certification of human agency. Each provided with a narrative so their followers can be swept away in the ethos and mythos of the holidays' origin. And, in the end help provide one more variation of the human narrative--in structure, form, and function.
And, if you are offended by my lack of being offended -- I am sure this too shall pass in a post-modern Christmas world...