Santorum's Gaffe and Blog Pundits Worry
It has been a very long republican primary. There have been many republican leaders from Michelle Bachmann to Newt Gingrich. Since January however the political machinery of Mitt Romney has been in full swing lambasting all comers. The superPAC, Restore Our Future, that supports Mitt Romney has outspent all his rivals nearly two to one. According to Center for Responsible Politics, which tracks political monies, money spent this election cycle in support and opposition of candidates was just over 82.3 million dollars.
The above sentiment by Huston leaves one feeling that the angst on display illuminates and reveals the state of republican punditry, especially when Huston used the ad hominem (name calling) attack as his closing argument and statement of Huston's blog, referring to President Obama as the "Commie-Obamie" and to be more precise he closes this way "To steal a line from Commie-Obamie, Rick, you were acting stupidly." Additionally, the desperation by the republican establishment to pervert the truth with half-quotes, such as the one Karl Rove tried to slip through with his Wall Street Journal column yesterday (see reporting here and column here) illustrates the worry they feel that Governor Mitt Romney will most likely lose to President Obama.
video sourced via and originally broadcasted from CNN
Mitt Romney's campaign has been devastating to his opponents, yet it has lost its focus, because Romney's opponents have been more effective in framing him. For instance, despite Rick Santorum extreme conservatism and recent gaffe for advocating for the re-election of President Obama, has former Senator Santorum competing feverishly. Leaving the presidential nomination process for the republicans seemingly lost in space.
The republican electorate base and republican advocates during this election cycle have been continually enthralled by the latest newcomer never wanting the perceptively moderate and lassez faire capitalist Mitt Romney. It has taken much work for Mitt Romney's team to buy his way to the nomination. The opposition to former Governor Romney's coronation as the eventual candidacy, not unlike former Senator Hillary Clinton of 2008, demonstrates the republicans machinery still works yet lacks faith.
The media punditry of 2008, both right and left, tried to declare former Senator Clinton as the eventual nominee until the upstart former Senator Barack Obama won the Iowa Caucuses. The democratic electorate was both stunned and pleasantly surprised, and although very contentious, the electoral base liked most of their candidates. This is not the case for the republicans in 2012 however, in that, the very conservative base of the republican party does not like former Governor Romney.
The republican base does not trust Mitt Romney, in so being, that the former governor has often changed his position -- sometimes within the same hour. Governor Romney is too much of a moderate -- and is considered a liar. While candidates such as former speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, as to having too much "baggage", and former Senator Rick Santorum as too smug and conservative for the general election.
Even today, blog pundits, such as Warner T. Huston of RightPundit.Com, finds former Governor Romney untenable and has voted and advocated for former Senator Rick Santorum. Yet, when confronted with the reality that his candidate possibly cannot when the nomination, Huston finds former Senator Santorum unfathomable for saying,
If you're going to be a little different, we might as well stay with what we have instead of taking risk with what may be he Etch A Sketch candidate of the futureHuston punditry saw red, when former Senator Santorum implied that the United States would be politically better off under President Obama instead of Mitt Romney or some other faux conservative. Huston says,
Good golly, Rick. Did you really mean to say that Obama would be better than Mitt Romney??
That is the most absurd thing I've heard you say, Mr. Santorum, and you've had a few doosie this cycle.
One has to wonder why we should offer a Republican at all, in Rick's view, if Obama is doing a good enough job!?
Just think there is only little more than six months left in this election cycle.....