A Clarion Call! Let the Beacon Shine Through!
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Image from worldsundayschool.com |
In months, and now years, since the 2010 election, and even before, the American electorate has been very angry. Angry about the everything from lose morals of American youth to unresolved "War on Terror."
However, the fanaticism that is driving American politics is two-fold -- 1) social religious conservative known as the religious right, and 2) the new wave of fiscal and limited government conservative -- known as the "Tea Party." These two groups, for the last two years, have been raging against the machinery of the establishment. Which establishment, of course, depended upon where these groups angst and fears most lied at the moment.
In the midterm elections of 2010, the angst and the fears of the electorate lied in the financial state of the country. The debt, deficit, and lack of jobs shrank the hope and possibilities that once saw the election of President Barrack Obama as a new expansion of civil liberties and new opportunities for America now sees it cloistered in a godless secular world and expansionist government.
The mantra for the two constituencies of the 2010 elections were "jobs, jobs, jobs" and "I want my country back!" (Where the country actually went was never made clear). Nonetheless, these constituencies created a mass movement of disruption and political fear mongering of nebulous other.
The religious right long ago had been co-opted by the republican establishment with the election of President Ronald Reagan. In 2010, the Tea Party became the latest sentinel for the republican party as a push back toward the "overzealous" liberalism of the democratic party. After the swearing in, however, the Tea Party seemed more interested in deconstructing the government instead of making sound public policy. And, despite some fiscal obfuscation and self-inflicted budget crises, the legislative process for State Houses around the country and the United States' Congress were about restriction of public square rights instead of creation of opportunity.
For instance, in Wisconsin, Governor Scott Walker parlayed his election and the republican majority of both houses into the reduction of public union rights for collective bargaining. The public push was almost instant. Nevertheless, the governor push ahead with his conservative agenda. In the United States congress, bills were introduced (and passed in the US House of Representatives) to restrict abortion and to defund Plan Parenthood.
Admittedly, there were other actions as well fiscal events accomplished by the United States Congress, but the fiscal retardation and religious ideological bents of the United States House of Representatives has polarized governmental policies within the public sphere. A public sphere that was once principled in the separation of government and religion is now wrapped in the machinations of nationalism and patriotic fervor.
Unfortunately, in today's politics, the mixture of social justice for equity versus social conservatism for religious liberty has endangered the privatization of one's personal religious practices. The ideal of one's personal religion to be sequestered in the home of the individual is no longer a valid foundational truth. America's political capital in the world has become disillusioned with its frenetic pacing and polarization of the electorate from the extremes. In addition, the opportunities within the American meritocracy of the traditional views of class, status, and access to power have been commingled with economic opportunism versus economic equity that is beyond economic subsistence and disjointed into the kaleidoscope of the latest political movement known as the Occupy Wall Street.
This movement has been the latest in political theater and its energy has challenged the establishments from all sides. However, the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement has failed to insert itself within the political institutions of power by establishing candidates that share their views unlike others, such as the Tea Party. This failure by the OWS has left the political spectrum wide open to vacillating interpretations by the political punditry and created a popular socio-political angst and fodder for the political junkie.
This vacillation has left a film of discoloration on the general public and in turn inflamed the religious and far right wing of the republican party to instill despair and fear to the average citizen. The religious right furthermore co-opted the opportunistic right leaning Tea Party faction adding to its coalition and the ability to restrict freedom of women and long standing healthcare policies, such as birth control and medically safe abortions, and created a cognitive dissonance in regards to State and Federal budgets by requiring more regulations. This seizure belies the confusion within the republican party and has become counter intuitive to the populist social justice movements that are growing inside and outside the political parties.
Nevertheless, the religious right theocratic behavior is at a precipice and on a dangerous course in fracturing the republican party.The purity tests, or as Eric Hoffer coined, the "true believer" tests, which is required to be a republican damages the party at large. The moderate has no value and has no room to be within the party. Policies which requires pragmatism to advance the country forward financially and civilly are being polarized by the fanaticism of the religious right under the guise of "keeping" traditions intact.
A religious fanaticism that drives a wedge within the public square because of its "reasonableness" in terms of its application and the founding document of this country -- the United States' Constitution -- enabling the minority interests groups to hijack the democratic process.
The U. S. Constitution allowance of freedom of expression and the ability to evolve an individual liberties beyond the original penning lets the media, the religious fanatics, and the opportunists to muddy the public discourse. This muddying damages the public at large because of the over saturation of misinformation. With that stated, it is also the document that can ensure the freedom which most Americans take for granted.
There is a tipping point, in which, the public will push back on the extremism and regain equilibrium within its body politics. It is understood that the failure to curtail religious fanaticism, both overt and subversive, will further hinder and damage the human condition and this country. The "Grand Experiment" in which the United States of America was founded in principled terms enables the evolution of the better person, better human beings, and better stewardship for the planet.
So the clarion calls goes out to those who are sitting in the middle and awaiting to be called to action. The moment has arrived.
Understand that those in the extremes are willing to decide for you.
If you fail to speak out and allow yourself to be herded, the "Grand Experiment" will falter and disillusionment will ensue. Instead, be part of bringing back pragmatism and this country can and will continue to be the beacon of opportunity and choice for the planet to witness.
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Image from conducivetee.com |
The religious right long ago had been co-opted by the republican establishment with the election of President Ronald Reagan. In 2010, the Tea Party became the latest sentinel for the republican party as a push back toward the "overzealous" liberalism of the democratic party. After the swearing in, however, the Tea Party seemed more interested in deconstructing the government instead of making sound public policy. And, despite some fiscal obfuscation and self-inflicted budget crises, the legislative process for State Houses around the country and the United States' Congress were about restriction of public square rights instead of creation of opportunity.
For instance, in Wisconsin, Governor Scott Walker parlayed his election and the republican majority of both houses into the reduction of public union rights for collective bargaining. The public push was almost instant. Nevertheless, the governor push ahead with his conservative agenda. In the United States congress, bills were introduced (and passed in the US House of Representatives) to restrict abortion and to defund Plan Parenthood.
Admittedly, there were other actions as well fiscal events accomplished by the United States Congress, but the fiscal retardation and religious ideological bents of the United States House of Representatives has polarized governmental policies within the public sphere. A public sphere that was once principled in the separation of government and religion is now wrapped in the machinations of nationalism and patriotic fervor.
Unfortunately, in today's politics, the mixture of social justice for equity versus social conservatism for religious liberty has endangered the privatization of one's personal religious practices. The ideal of one's personal religion to be sequestered in the home of the individual is no longer a valid foundational truth. America's political capital in the world has become disillusioned with its frenetic pacing and polarization of the electorate from the extremes. In addition, the opportunities within the American meritocracy of the traditional views of class, status, and access to power have been commingled with economic opportunism versus economic equity that is beyond economic subsistence and disjointed into the kaleidoscope of the latest political movement known as the Occupy Wall Street.
This movement has been the latest in political theater and its energy has challenged the establishments from all sides. However, the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement has failed to insert itself within the political institutions of power by establishing candidates that share their views unlike others, such as the Tea Party. This failure by the OWS has left the political spectrum wide open to vacillating interpretations by the political punditry and created a popular socio-political angst and fodder for the political junkie.
This vacillation has left a film of discoloration on the general public and in turn inflamed the religious and far right wing of the republican party to instill despair and fear to the average citizen. The religious right furthermore co-opted the opportunistic right leaning Tea Party faction adding to its coalition and the ability to restrict freedom of women and long standing healthcare policies, such as birth control and medically safe abortions, and created a cognitive dissonance in regards to State and Federal budgets by requiring more regulations. This seizure belies the confusion within the republican party and has become counter intuitive to the populist social justice movements that are growing inside and outside the political parties.
Nevertheless, the religious right theocratic behavior is at a precipice and on a dangerous course in fracturing the republican party.The purity tests, or as Eric Hoffer coined, the "true believer" tests, which is required to be a republican damages the party at large. The moderate has no value and has no room to be within the party. Policies which requires pragmatism to advance the country forward financially and civilly are being polarized by the fanaticism of the religious right under the guise of "keeping" traditions intact.
A religious fanaticism that drives a wedge within the public square because of its "reasonableness" in terms of its application and the founding document of this country -- the United States' Constitution -- enabling the minority interests groups to hijack the democratic process.
The U. S. Constitution allowance of freedom of expression and the ability to evolve an individual liberties beyond the original penning lets the media, the religious fanatics, and the opportunists to muddy the public discourse. This muddying damages the public at large because of the over saturation of misinformation. With that stated, it is also the document that can ensure the freedom which most Americans take for granted.
There is a tipping point, in which, the public will push back on the extremism and regain equilibrium within its body politics. It is understood that the failure to curtail religious fanaticism, both overt and subversive, will further hinder and damage the human condition and this country. The "Grand Experiment" in which the United States of America was founded in principled terms enables the evolution of the better person, better human beings, and better stewardship for the planet.
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Image from michelleframton.blogspot.com |
Understand that those in the extremes are willing to decide for you.
If you fail to speak out and allow yourself to be herded, the "Grand Experiment" will falter and disillusionment will ensue. Instead, be part of bringing back pragmatism and this country can and will continue to be the beacon of opportunity and choice for the planet to witness.