The Fading Beacon

In recent days, the United State of America has seen the worst of itself. The white supremacists, white nationalists, and former Grand Dragon David Duke of the KKK proclaim that the current president of the United States will take back America for them.

These terror groups, the KKK, the white nationalists, and white supremacists are proclaiming success. Their "time" has returned these groups say. The evidence they put on display – did display – is to create fear and terror.

This terror resulted in the death of Heather Heyer of Charlottesville, Virginia and nineteen counter protestors.

The white terror protestors and some counter protestors illustrated the base nature of the human condition: hatred, anger, fear, contempt, racism, and bigotry fueled the behavior of the crowd at the University of Virginia’s Emancipation Park. However, these terrorists the KKK, white nationalists, and white supremacists are not equivalent to the counter movement.

The KKK leader of North Carolina celebrated the death of Heather Heyer. The KKK and the white nationalists and white supremacists let the country know we as a nation have a long way to go before the dawn enlightened heart of acceptance and tolerance can be chiseled from these hate groups.

The dark clouds of hate continue to rise as the uncertainty and chaos of the current president’s administration wrangles with the United States of America’s consciousness.  Americans from all walks of life find themselves unsure looking into a White House that dissembles untruths as easily as one breathes.

But, there are moments, when the adults in the room from the current president’s administration, shows maturity and certainty with valued clarity. At such moments, Americans, all Americans, find the light.

Unfortunately, the current occupant of the presidency has often shorted out this light. For six months plus, the current president seems not only overwhelmed, but also not qualified to lead. His continual need to feel loved and appreciated keeps the American people nauseous with motion sickness. His inability to work well with others from within and without has certainty teetering from one crisis to another.

When is it enough one may ask? This past week the current president’s leadership was needed. He failed.  To use a baseball analogy – he struck out with those that matter most: the disenfranchised, the oppressed, and the seekers of equality. The current president failed to speak truth to the enablers of hate and terrorism. He gave aid to these purveyors and enabled them to celebrate with his lack of clarity and silence until yesterday when gave his voice in support.

The current president’s failure to name the ugliness left the KKK, white nationalists and supremacists embolden. To see the KKK, white nationalists, and white supremacists, and the alt right as anything other than a blight and terror on the American way of life shows that the current president is nothing more than a sanctimonious pompadour with a narcissistic need for self-importance.

This is unfortunate for America, the American people, and the shining beckon that represents democracy, and the best of the human condition.



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