A Season for Change

A change must come. This cannot be our democracy: the paralyzing polarization and the bastardization of vital institutions’ that dispense equity and justice. This cannot be our democracy where the propaganda and the destabilization of the fourth estate has been realized in order to foster destruction of the democratic state. This cannot be our democracy where the values of our leaders are corrupted by a dilettante whose narcissism knows no bounds and fed by only self-gratification and self-congratulations.

No, this cannot be our democracy where the populists ceded power to the Nationalists and Nationalism fervor in order to retain power. No, this is not our democracy where the spinning dervish of public relations can muddy public discourse to the disenfranchised, the lowly informed, and to those that public policy has failed. No, this cannot be our democracy where the emotive and irrationality ruled the hearts and minds of the last election cycle; and where the foolish put on display disingenuous patriotism.

No, this is not our democracy where the profits subvert the truth and political gain are fostered through propaganda; and, “alternative facts” to become reality. No, this is not our democracy.

A change must come to fight injustice, disenfranchisement, and social inequities. 

A change must come to foster the empowerment of tolerance and for the voiceless to speak out.

A change must come to embolden those who have lost hope—to reinstate aspirations and inspire the forgotten.

A change must come for action—to vote, to participate, to stand in the way of darkness.

 A change must come for the veteran, the homeless, and the stereotyped individual.

Yes, a change must come for this is not my or yours’s democracy. Time to act. Time to change the old guard. Time for the new. Time to build bridges. Time to acknowledge the better half of our nature. Time to elect the better half. Time for our better angels to rule our hearts and minds. Time to be bold. Time to relight the beacon on the hill.


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